Technology - Stream 2

IWF: MC-PTT interworking needs between LTE and LMR

Theatre 2 18 October 2023 2:45 pm - 3:15 pm

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Carsten Clemens

In 2022 the PSMB proof of concept (PoC) was executed as a project by the New South Wales Telco Authority (NSW TA), on behalf of all Australian jurisdictions. The primary objectives of the PoC were to setup a test environment and validate whether a hybrid service delivery model is a technically viable option for Australian Public Safety Mobile Broadband. As a secondary objective, the project was also aiming to share learnings and insights from the PoC to help shape the design of the national PSMB of Australia.

In the final phase of the PoC, seamless interworking for inter and intra agency communications was tested. Interworking between existing LMR networks & PSMB and cross jurisdictional interoperability are two main concepts behind delivery of the seamless communication between various agencies irrespective of their jurisdictions and networks.

The PoC tested both interworking and interoperability at high level, but more market studies and tests are needed and will be explained to design these concepts for the PSMB.